Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Soybean disturb fertility Men

Be careful if you (men) often consume food based raw soybeans. She chemicals found in soya, tofu, legumes and have the potential to destroy the sperm that male fertility.

The researchers from King College, English explained that soybeans contain genistein, which resembles the effect on the female hormone estrogen. Results obtained from the research on mouse sperm, which also explains that this result is the same for human sperm.

In tests in the laboratory, found that genistein in the number of small can turn human sperm. Human sperm appeared more responsive to genistein than mouse sperm. Besides, if women consume soy or foods that contain high genistein, they likely have a greater impact than men because of the chemical substances affect sperm existing in the body when women are sperm cells fertilize eggs.

From the results of that research, it is recommended for fans to limit soybean konsumsinya several days during the period ovulasi. However, although this tradition for most Asian people consume soy foods, they never showed any interference in fertility.